Looking for STM32 developer ?

We create professional firmware for your devices based on STM32 processors

Do you have an idea, a project to complete, a project to renovate?

We create the firmware for your application and according to the specifications indicated. We help you, if necessary, to analyze your hardware and identify any limitations or necessary upgrades.
How to proceed?

How to proceed to receive a quotation

Below is a short guide to functionally prepare a call for your project

Collect ideas and outline them

Prepare a block diagram or a clear description of all the steps that will be modeled by the hardware, firmware being developed

Do you already have hardware?

Obtain all the datasheets of the sensors and actuators you wish to program. Please note that you will need to provide us with a physical development board and probably the PCB wiring diagram to allow proper debugging of the system
Contact Us

Do you want us to develop the card too?

Try to be clear about the number of sensors and actuators you want to use. Create a block diagram of the features that will be implemented. Contact us to arrange a call.
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